
The Charles Finney School's Elementary program is designed to help your child develop a love of learning.

Students in Kindergarten - 5th Grade will grow in our warm and nurturing atmosphere with supportive teachers that encourage a love of learning at a young age. Our Elementary School faculty have years of experience teaching to a high academic standard while adding fun, hands-on activities, field trips, and using the latest Smartboard technology. Elementary students are encouraged to learn how to work and play together in a safe, fun, and encouraging environment. The Elementary School curriculum also includes Bible, Music, Art, Technology, Library, Science Enrichment, and Physical Education. Students grow in their knowledge of Christ through daily prayer and devotions, learning Bible stories and Scripture, character-building programs, and attending a weekly chapel.

Learn more about the Elementary School program courses and faculty:

Learn more about the Elementary School program courses and faculty:

Literacy and Enrichment

The elementary school has a Literacy and Enrichment Room which supports, extends, and enriches learning for students in grades K-8. Students will be given assessments to determine their level in reading and mathematics. Students not meeting grade level benchmarks will meet with the Literacy and Enrichment Specialist, Mrs. Snyder, for individual and small group support. Mrs. Snyder also works with classroom teachers to provide opportunities for those students working above grade level.