Faculty & Staff Directory

The faculty of The Charles Finney School come from a wide variety of backgrounds, bringing a depth of diversity to the education of Finney students.

As a student's primary point of contact with the Finney school, our teachers are an important part of our effort to exemplify, model, and encourage excellence. The faith of our faculty plays an important role as well as they each strive to equip students for the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose in their lives.


Middle School

High School




Alma Miller, MS & HS Spanish

Alma Miller

MS & HS Spanish
Andrew Marchand, Physical Education

Andrew Marchand

Physical Education
Angela Cragg, Art

Angela Cragg

Ashlyn Tucker, 2nd Grade

Ashlyn Tucker

2nd Grade
Bette Pilecki, 5th Grade

Bette Pilecki

5th Grade
Bonnie Norris, 6th Grade

Bonnie Norris

6th Grade
Carrie Martin, High School Science

Carrie Martin

High School Science
Chris Hanford, Elementary Physical Education

Chris Hanford

Elementary Physical Education
Daneé Rollins, 4th Grade

Daneé Rollins

4th Grade
Daniel Reger, High School History

Daniel Reger

High School History
Ellie VanLeeuwen, International Teacher

Ellie VanLeeuwen

International Teacher
Hannah Harrow, Choral Music

Hannah Harrow

Choral Music
Isabelle LeGrand, High School ELA

Isabelle LeGrand

High School ELA
Jennifer Catalano, Middle School ELA

Jennifer Catalano

Middle School ELA
Joel Vignare, 4th Grade

Joel Vignare

4th Grade
Julie Werven, 1st Grade

Julie Werven

1st Grade
Kelli Johnson, Middle School Math

Kelli Johnson

Middle School Math
Kelly Rogers, High School Math

Kelly Rogers

High School Math
Kevin Rhodes, Middle School Science

Kevin Rhodes

Middle School Science
Kristene Snyder, Literacy Specialist

Kristene Snyder

Literacy Specialist
Laura Casey, Pre-Kindergarten

Laura Casey

Lawrence Latona, High School Math

Lawrence Latona

High School Math
Lisa Fix, Elementary Music Teacher

Lisa Fix

Elementary Music Teacher
Megan Pasquantonio, Library & Media Center

Megan Pasquantonio

Library & Media Center
Morgan Sánchez, Kindergarten

Morgan Sánchez

Natalie Jackson, Music

Natalie Jackson

Pamela Kirby, High School Science

Pamela Kirby

High School Science
Rachael Christman, 2nd Grade

Rachael Christman

2nd Grade
Rachel Byndas, 3rd Grade

Rachel Byndas

3rd Grade
Rachel Moore, 3rd Grade

Rachel Moore

3rd Grade
Rachel Newport, Kindergarten

Rachel Newport

Rachel Perez-Rumpf, HS Technology

Rachel Perez-Rumpf

HS Technology
Randy Catalano, High School Bible

Randy Catalano

High School Bible
Rebecca Balonek, 1st Grade

Rebecca Balonek

1st Grade
Rebecca Lydon, High School ELA

Rebecca Lydon

High School ELA
Sara Broome, 5th Grade

Sara Broome

5th Grade
Sarah Nielsen, High School Worship

Sarah Nielsen

High School Worship
Shauna Frederickson, 6th Grade

Shauna Frederickson

6th Grade
Stephanie Sylvester, High School Bible

Stephanie Sylvester

High School Bible
Stephen Merritt, High School History

Stephen Merritt

High School History
Virginia Crandall, Digital Academic Coordinator

Virginia Crandall

Digital Academic Coordinator
William Lydon, Middle School History

William Lydon

Middle School History