New Playground Fund

New Playground Fund

Partner with us as we create a safe and fun place for children to learn, dream, and create new memories. The Charles Finney School continues to grow rapidly. Our current playground is outdated and no longer capable of accommodating our precious children.

We would be most grateful if you would consider donating to our dream playground. Exploring and education continues beyond the classroom.

The Case for Finney’s New Playground

Over the last dozen years, Finney’s enrollment has grown from 225 students to 507 students, a 125% increase. Our current playground is outdated and too small. It is now the time for a new spacious and wonder-filled playground where our precious children will run and slide and swing and laugh and smile and enjoy the freedom of playing with their Finney friends.

Please consider making a generous donation to our New Playground Fund.

My Gift

Other Ways to Give

Give by mail

Send your check or money order to:

The Charles Finney School 2070 Five Mile Line Road Penfield, NY 14526

Please notate special designations on the memo line of your check.

Give via PayPal